
The REALTOR® organization has a long and rich history of political involvement and ranks among the top 10 influential organizations at the state and national levels. As a member of the National Association of REALTORS®, you are among 1 million colleagues nationally and 40,000 statewide who care deeply about how the real estate industry is regulated.

We are proud not just to sell homes and property in our community, but to be a force in how these decisions are made. As REALTORS®, we can offer not only our expertise as clients purchase their homes and property, but a strong knowledge of land use policies, homeownership rights, growth controls, affordable housing, private property regulations, environmental preservation, economic vitality and taxation issues. While we take great pride in helping consumers navigate the home buying experience, we also play an active role in maintaining the quality of life our clients expect from living in the Capital Area.

Government Affairs Director

Managing the growth of the region, while keeping the economy strong and our quality of life in tact, continues to challenge our local governments. The Capital Area REALTORS® utilizes a full time Government Affairs Director (GAD) to monitor and actively lobby the various municipal and county government units in the Capital Area. Neil Malone, our GAD, can be reached via email at or via phone at 217.529.2600.

Government affairs in action at meetingGovernment Affairs Committee

Your Association also has established an active Government Affairs committee to guide our Board of Directors on legislative and political matters. This committee meets several times a year to discuss and research issues of importance to our industry.


Advocacy Working for You

Federal Calls-to-Action »

Rvoice logoMaking a difference for REALTORS® and property owners

RVOICE (formerly known as the Advocacy Program) was launched to go beyond working with legislators and local officials and go right to the front door of the homeowner. RVOICE produces hard-hitting direct mail pieces, brochures, ad campaigns, advocacy websites and other tools to make sure elected officials get the message, while giving constituents a way to fight for their property rights. Read more about recent advocacy efforts throughout the state.

What is the REALTOR® Party?

REALTOR Party logo

We are the REALTOR® Party: An energized movement of real estate professionals fighting to keep the dream of homeownership alive for this country.

Now more than ever, it is critical for REALTORS® across America to come together and speak with one voice about the stability a sound and dynamic real estate market brings to this country of ours. From city hall to the state house to the U.S. Capitol, our elected officials are making decisions that have a huge impact on the bottom line of REALTORS® and their customers. Through the support of people like you, the REALTOR® Party will continue to be there representing your interests. To view more REALTOR® Party info, please Click Here.

What is RPAC and Why Should I Invest?

REALTOR PAC logoRPAC is the voice of REALTORS® on Capitol Hill. Since 1969, RPAC has been promoting the election of pro-REALTOR® candidates across the United States. During the last federal election cycle alone, RPAC contributed over $12 million to pro-REALTOR® candidates to Congress, making it the number one trade association political action committee in the nation. Why has RPAC been successful? Because RPAC is not a charity. RPAC is a business and it's because of members like the ones above that have made it so successful.